Black Hill War Memorial

Stonehaven’s war memorial is larger and rather different than many and stands on the top of Black Hill overlooking the town from the south. Enjoy extensive views taking in Stonehaven itself and Duntottar Castle to the south. The memorial was designed by local architect John Ellis, and unveiled on Sunday 20 May 1923.

The names of eight First World War battles are inscribed around the crown of the structure: Gallipoli, Jutland, Marne, Mons, Somne, Vimy, Ypres and Zeebrugge. The names of Second World War campaigns and battles were later added around its base. Steps and a gate lead into the heart of the memorial, and here you find a centrally placed triangular stone on which are inscribed the names of those from Stonehaven, who fell during the First World War. The names of those killed during the Second World Ware are inscribed on a series of tablets added to the inside of the temple.

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