SDCC Local Small Grants Awarded

SDCC Local Small Grants Awarded

By Stonehaven & District Community Council on 16/12/2021

A few years ago Stonehaven & District Community Council (SDCC) were fortunate to be bequeathed some funds for the benefit of Stonehaven.  SDCC decided they would like this small pot of money to be made available to local groups and organisations within the town via small grants.

22 groups and organiations applied for a total of £10.060.05 however, only £4291.05 was available for distribution. Some hard discussions were had by the SDCC sub-group tasked with reviewing the applications. It was difficult to distribute this small pot of money with so many worthy causes within the applications. Many only received a part of what they applied for in order to make the fund go further.

The successful applicants were:

Rhythm Nation PTA £450.00 (applied for £500)

The Mearns Singers £341.05 (applied for £341.05)

Banchory Stonehaven Athletics Club £450.00 (applied for £500)

Paws on Plastic £250.00 (applied for £500)

Arduthie Primary School PTA £450.00 (applied for £500)

Stonehaven Talking Newspaper £300.00 (applied for £300)

Panthers Basketball Club £450.00 (applied for £500)

Stonehaven Table Tennis Club £250.00 (applied for £250)

Stonehaven Football Club U21 Team 450.00 (applied for £500)

The Bellman £450.00 (applied for £469)

Stonehaven Fatherland Burns Club £450.00 (applied for £500)

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